If you already have existing leagues:

Open the Kickbase app and go to the league tab. Here, you can see all your leagues. Click the ➕ symbol at the top left.

Select the competition where you want to create a league (Bundesliga, 2. Bundesliga, La Liga, or Frauen-Bundesliga). Then click on ➕ Create New League. You can create a new league and choose whether it should be public (anyone can find and join) or private (joining is by invitation only). At the bottom of the custom settings, you can adjust the player limit per club and squad limit, and decide whether to award cash bonuses for achievements. For more details, check out our article on admin settings.

If you are new to Kickbase and have just created your account, you will be automatically assigned to a new league, or you can choose to create a new league and decide whether to use Draw Mode or No Team mode.

Draw Mode: Each manager starts with 15 random players with a specific value (depending on the competition) plus an additional starting budget.

No Team Mode: Each manager starts with no team but a specific starting budget (depending on the competition) to buy players on the transfer market.

Please see here how to invite friends to your league.